Published by St. Paul stops flowing coastal கற்பகவிருட்சங்கள் celittonki cinkamparai 250 years ago, the city set up a small olaikko. Crucifix in memory in the form of a cross erected in the temple. The temple was built by using water instead patanirai. The Catcher of the people, that the evidences were vicuvacamum.

In front of the temple was made ​​in 1976 kotimarattai removemarattinal tallest kotimaram formed steel. Kotimaram otintu that fellin a few years. The sorrow of the people still in place, appeared in 1997 fell in February kotimaram nirur miracle is coming from thewater.

Old maraimavatt 5th tiruttalamana the Temple and valipatuvor and kotimarat oozing a wonderful water vicuvacattutanum, confidentaccess to God’s grace, St. Paul through a baby gift,  wedding banninkutal,  patients,  divine comfort availability, anxiety, creditharassment free from all kind of day eralamanor come here and gosee can.

Cinnapparum holy, holy temples, which is often seen as jointrayapparum. St. Paul’s alone and was one of the few alayankalul thisalayamum.

On January 16 kotiyerrat editing each year beginning with the completion date of April 25 is celebrated.

22 km from Tirunelveli. M distance, 17 km from an arrow.  distance, 20 km from alankulat.  distance, 3 Km in mukkutal. M located at a distance. Mr. nelveli come from the bus is at.

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